What's Happening In Springwood 1?

Important Contact Information:

If you are experiencing a current power outage, please contact Duke Energy at 1-8000-228-8485.

If this is a storm related question, please contact the Pinellas County Citizen Information line at 727-464-4333 or visit disaster.pinellas.gov


Attention Residents:

For questions or concerns, please contact Public Works at 727-369-5850.
Pinellas Park 

Remember, while the tips below are meant to be fun, always prioritize safety and stay informed with official weather updates.

1. Stock Up on Snacks: Hurricane calories don’t count. Repeat after me: "Hurricane calories don’t count."

2. Write Your Name on All Snacks: Because this is survival of the fittest and you need to protect your stash.

3. Practice Your Candlelight Karaoke: Power might go out, but the show must go on!

4. Create a Fort with Your Emergency Blankets: It's the ultimate cozy hideout. Plus, it’s a great excuse to binge on snacks.

5. Secure All Outdoor Furniture: Unless you want to play "find the lawn chair" after the storm passes.

6. Get Flashlights with Fresh Batteries: And remember where you put them this time. Seriously, no one wants to be playing flashlight hide-and-seek in the dark.

7. Prepare an Evacuation Plan – Or at least a list of nearby pizza places that are still open.

8. Stay Hydrated - It’s important to drink plenty of water… but remember, coffee counts as hydration too, right?

9. Reading by candlelight is charming. Just remember, if the storm knocks out power, it’s a great excuse to finally start that book you’ve been putting off.

10. Patience is Key: If the storm is dragging on, just remember—nature’s version of a reality show is bound to have some epic moments. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show (from a safe distance, of course).

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